Integrating Bowen and Scar Therapies
About Joana Pedroso
Joana's Bowen Therapy
In my previous career I worked as a Conservation Scientist, using different analytical techniques to research mainly about paintings. It was an amazing and exciting career but I always had an interest in alternative therapies.
I decided to stop my current job and pursue a career in alternative and holistic therapies. While on a mission to try different modalities, I went for a Bowen Therapy session and was blown away.
The long term lower back pain I was suffering from had been relieved substantially by the following day, as well as an improvement on hamstring flexibility and relief in menstrual pain. I then decided to learn this amazing technique.

Joana Pedroso
Several years following my introduction to Bowen Therapy, I recognized the importance of expanding my knowledge base and sought additional gentle touch modalities to enhance my sessions. I then found EMMETT Technique that proved to be very useful in releasing muscle tension in very specific areas of the body with minimal touch.
My quest for greater knowledge persisted, leading me to discover Be Activated. This approach, though distinct, proved to be a valuable method for not only releasing tension but also enhancing muscle function.
Subsequently, I undertook training in Pilates to gain a deeper comprehension of movement and to provide my clients with customized exercise programs.
The importance of scar therapy training became evident when I observed many of my clients grappling with muscular pain and posture issues stemming from fibrous scar tissue. This realization ignited a strong desire to pursue further training in this modality.
Qualifications & Courses
In addition to my initial training I have attended the courses listed below:
EMMETT Technique Advanced practitioner up to level 4
Bowen Therapy with Ron Phelan - “TMJ”- the hidden imposter
David Howels - Hormone release - The Bowen way
Be Activated with Douglas Heel
College of Applied Myoskeletal Therapy – The Pelvis and Lumbar Spine with John Garfield
College of Applied Myoskeletal Therapy – Upper Torso and Neck with John Garfield
College of Applied Myoskeletal Therapy – The Lower Extremities with John Garfield
ECBS Asthma and Respiratory Workshop with Alastair Rattray
Fascia Bowen with Jo Wortley
The Importance of Symmetry with Graham Pennington
Targeting Primary Dysfunction” Workshop with Graham Pennington
The “Art of Bowen ” with Alastair McLoughlin
Simply Vagus + Lymphatic Bowen with Gus de la Querra
Voila Method - Structural Joint Balancing- with Joel Crandall
Pilates matt training with the Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute
McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release Technique Certificate of Proficiency
Scar Therapy Practitioner - Restore Method
Oncology Scar Therapy Practitioner - Restore Method